OOC 24

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-02-26 09:26

At a guess... Baskerville has a brain and uses it for thinking (some people might object here, but, well...), so he isn't dead to telepathy?

Mutt? Yay/Nay?

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-02-26 10:32


It would be kind of weird if telepaths could only interact telepathically with each other

That's why I was confused when you said Kim would think Skerv is an illusion if ey registered no telepathy from him.


the way [demons] send their meaning when they speak is similar to how normal people react to telepathy? Normal people can't stop it but they surely are susceptible to it.

Correct. And the range is the same as normal hearing range, so if you wandered off, you wouldn't 'hear'.

(In fact I think demonic 'speech' uses sound as a vector, because they do physically speak, even though no meaning is contained in the sounds.)


Demons then wouldn't be able to register telepathy at all or be affected by it.

"Yes usually" and "no". Demons don't normally register telepathy but can be vulnerable to it if, like I said, the 'path is experienced with energy beings.

Hellhounds are not demons. Hellhounds are dogs with demon bits. They think with meat. That means that, like I said somewhere before, Baskerville can be scanned and read and will seem like a (strange) sapient dog. (Except, if you probe deeply, there's a sheer blank wall blocking off part of his mind from any outside access at all. You might have to be looking for something specific in order to notice that wall.)

In my telepathic system (as opposed to demonic 'language' system) a normal person can be talked to telepathically, but a telepath is much more flexible and powerful at receiving telepathic transmissions. Normal people are also vulnerable to telepaths reading or interfering with their minds without the person knowing it's happening.

(Incidentally, my telepathic systems are generally 'you have to try to read thoughts, it doesn't happen automatically', as opposed to empath-style 'can't shut it off' types.)

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-02-26 11:09

So, as a summary, Kim is able to read Baskerville for the most part (and when it's very superficial like it's going to be unless Kim goes deeper for some reason) and won't think he's too weird since ey's pretty experienced with all kinds of things. (Or not, I guess I could roll a dice to randomize. >_>)

I'll just assume Kim hasn't heard demonic language yet, so we'll maybe get a nice IC conversation about that. X)
Is it obvious that the demonic language is just (random) sounds and the meaning comes "separately", or wouldn't a normal person notice? How about a telepath who's used to reading the meaning from the speaker's mind (or in Kim's case, usually can't help doing that)?

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-02-26 11:31

Agreed on the first paragraph. :)

A normal person doesn't notice unless they're really thinking about it. That's the point of demonic 'language'; it's a minor mind-screw. People assume the demon is talking in their language, and it's only when a bunch of people with different (first) languages all hear and understand the same speech...

I assume a telepath would be able to pick up the telepathy-esque data that's carried by the sound/vibration, since even a mindblind person (eg autistics) can do that - but at the same time they might not be able to read any information from the demon's actual mind. Which could be confusing, I dunno. Perhaps Kim would interpret it as "I'm shielded except for this message I'm sending".

Again it's different with hybrid animals where the telepath would be able to read them, so less problem.

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-02-26 12:21

Ahh. I'm content for now. X)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-02-26 13:48

Wikified *g*

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-02-27 10:15


Dangit, I missed an en dash in the last post. :/

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-02-27 10:16

Or not. Oops. X)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-02-27 10:53

I wonder whether Kim's the same humanstock as Jaina; neither of them is the same as a Shaded human, that's definite.

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-02-27 16:15

Well, I don't know what kind of differences can be expected to have between universes, but technically Kim's just a slightly mutated human from the good ol' Earth.

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2007-02-27 16:26

*nods* And JJ's a slightly gene-adapted hoomon from the/another Earth. *is now vaguely curious*

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-02-27 18:45

Vaguely curious about what? :o

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2007-02-27 21:48

Well, obviously not about making 'em breed. XD For one thing JJ is sterile, and I wouldn't harass poor Kim like that.

I dunno; curious about how alternative Earths would work in terms of genetics, I guess.

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-02-28 07:12

Heh, Kim's pretty much infertile. Ey has some gamete production but no reproductive system besides that. X) Other than that ey sure likes sex and stuff.

Ooh, I've been meaning to write stuff about the genetics of the human mutants in my world(s) for a long time, but I haven't gotten it started... I don't have much clue where to start, for one.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-02-28 10:19

That's always fascinating for me. I'd start with a rough overview and practical implications (eg heredity, is it possible to build a generic 'mutant' test, things like that), then get into the good stuff.

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-03-01 17:30

Then I realized I did write a sort of condensed genetics/history/physiology summary... X) http://www.writersco.com/superwikiwritings.html?name=39.The%20Heritage%20of%20Hu mankind.Prologue

I wonder how links would work. That at least gets split...

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-03-01 17:34

Vel, at the bottom there's a Help/Instructions link, and on that page there's a Formatting link, and on that page links are explained.

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VeltzehTwine: Veltzeh 2007-03-01 19:04

Whee, way to go, me! For the record, I'm going to blame my incompetence on my illness. :)

THOH prologue

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-03-22 15:00

Waiting for Anke in both 'outdoors' threads, I believe.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-03-22 19:00

Sorry; I ran into snags in both, went "ah, I'll come up with something tomorrow", and, eh...

Thanks for prodding :)

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