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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2004-03-14 17:10

It wants to know who puts obstructions in its way, for it will be a very angry thing if something gets between it and booze.

Seriously, you've all figured out who it is already. Why am I keeping up the suspense? x)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-03-14 17:14

Erm... I must be stupid, then. *g*

Geekov's eyes have lit up and he's talking about making the builders add a landing pad and rooftop access. And, for some reason, paw-operated taps in the bedrooms.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2004-03-14 17:21

...then the tentacle-bit distracted you. *g*

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SarinaTwine: Sarina 2004-03-14 19:51

Iseea is having a simply mahvalous time!
And is looking forward to holding her new latern high.....

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2004-03-15 06:55

Sebbie's playing games with her, though. If he has to go down (err...), he'll go down fighting.

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SarinaTwine: Sarina 2004-03-16 04:01

Iseea does so love a fighter!

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2004-03-16 10:54

Ree? If you could post? I haff... plans concerning das Tentacular One.

(...I'm worried that sounds like David Hasselhoff...)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-03-16 12:28

Meanwhile, Wefty has plans concering das Winged, Slutty One.

(What do you mean "which one"?)

Tentacles. Aiee.

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ErinTwine: Erin 2004-03-16 20:38

Lucifer wants to point out that he's not slutty, he's just gentlemanly. He'd like everyone to realize that he hasn't said a single thing that could even be assumed to have anything to do with sex, and if people think so, they need their hearing checked. He'd also like to point out that Jaina's a woman and he generally doesn't bed women o.0;;

I should post. x_____X;;;; Sorry, it's just Hans (the muse) has been slacking lately.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-03-16 21:04

Weft says some not-nice things about Lucifer which shall not be repeated here. *g*

Basky cackles and wonders whether Luce is more jealous of Weft or Lance, or Basky.

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ReeTwine: Ree 2004-03-16 22:59

Snog: I will try. Right now my brain is running in Rude Mode, which does not happy posting make. *chews her chapped lip* Tentacular One? Ooh.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2004-03-17 04:48

Aww. See, I don't really want to just drop it on the customers.

*Tosses what's left of Candy's chocolate egg all around.*

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-03-17 12:22

Wefty's running in Rude Mode too. Or Ill-Advised Mode at least. Trying His Best To Make Lance Squirm Mode, to be completely accurate.

He's soooo kwoooot when he tries to be evil.

His author and co-characters are enjoying it immensely. And avoid any mention of tentacles. And would like to say they found "the force was strict with this one" a delicious phrase.

Agueda/Weft short!!

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JuliaTwine: Julia 2004-03-17 15:48

To be honest, I was gona come on and apologise for that one... Ugh!

Didn't even realise it til I thought about it later. It was nagging me all day.

Naughty brain! Making subconcious links without informing Julia. Tsk! *slap*

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ReeTwine: Ree 2004-03-17 17:13

I like it! Also: posted. Yup.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2004-03-17 19:37


*Tries to get kitty attention.*

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-03-17 21:20

I wonder what Agueda's picking up from Weft.


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ErinTwine: Erin 2004-03-17 21:28

Lance: *apparently has kitty attention and isn't sure he wants it* ...WHY IS EVERYONE PICKING ON ME TODAY!? X_x

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-03-17 21:58

Weft: Because I like revenge and seeing you squirm is too good a chance to pass up.

Geekov: I'm not even looking at you.

Everyone: *ignores Geekov*

Basky: For Weft-maintenance. If I pick on him for too long at a time, he's no fun for ages.

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ErinTwine: Erin 2004-03-17 22:02

...I will, for once, refrain from making a comment about Weft wanting to see Lance..."squirm".

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