hm, should I go on, or are you too busy with other boards stuff?
Waitin' for the Snawgster. Bondage
Oh, dang!
Bugger - didn't see your post, Snog. Oh well, it works anyway.
Works perfectly, actually.
Except I intended Weft to move as soon as the branch hit the dirt. *shrug*
I'm kinda glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets caught under the steamroller of other people's posting. XD
Yeah, it's an occupational hazard. I'm quite prepared to trade a little of my personal pride for the greater good of enthusiasm and silliness. *ominously happy cackle*
How tall is Weft now, anyway? "fivesomething" is a rather big range... ^^°
That will have to wait until my brother's awake. I need someone six-feetish tall and standing upright to compare Weft with.
I could reply, but 'm waiting to see if the Great White Hunter wants to stick his foot further in his mouth. Snog?
"Sebastian, I found... you need to see this." [Animation warning, 423Kb]
[Edit: I converted it into a WMV instead of a huge animated gif. -Mutt]
That would not have happened if that kid had played the right videogames... XD
(For the curious, notes about Sylvie's magic:
There are two main factors to the difficulty of a spell: How "fine grain" something is and how much energy is needed. Pure telekinesis is rough structure (thus not much concentration and fine control is needed) and takes a lot of energy. "Fine grain" manipulations Sylvie might be capable of would be controlling the metabolism of a plant to, say, produce higher concentrations of sugar, or salicin or whatever - those take little energy, but great fine control, which requires deep immersion in the structure - the latter is what leaves a mage disoriented for a while.
Since both of you said the concussion symptoms would last only 15 minutes or so, anyway, I assumed Sylvie was just taking care of a bruise or something on those lines, which is not that difficult because it means just speeding up a natural process. She's not going to mess with anyone's synapses; that's about as fine grain as things get under the general topic of flesh, she's not familiar enough with that element, and you really, really don't want to mess with someone's brain unless you are absolutely sure you have the capability to get it right.)
I too assumed she was repairing a minor bump or scratch.
Weft learned what he knows about life magic from Suitov, who can't do it but knows some theory. Weft's blasé about big displays of power these days, and is pretty much used to mages with fine degrees of control, but he thinks anything Suitov can't do is impressive.
Incidentally, Sylvie's life workings seem to work on the same lines as Siri's.
I could go on about 'pure' telekinesis in terms of Shade's system of magic, but I might get boring. *g*
I'm confused... I had thought there'd been enough time for Sebbie to recover for the dizziness...
It's always hard to tell how time goes on, but I'll just get one or two more posts of "waaaah complaintcomplaintcomplaint!" and then move on.
Or so I think. He might have different ideas.
Such a drama queen. He should totally grow up!
What was the saying? Old men are twice children? *laughs*
Ohhhh, yes. Or something to that effect.