At least Iceheart's friends are called Wilmer, Lotsi, Nico and the-carpenter-whose-name-I-keep-forgetting-but-isn't-an-S-word, which should counterbalance it somewhat.
(I really honestly had to remind myself, when I invented all of them, NOT to use S names. I don't know why I'm so prone to 'em.)
Poll: has Weft now officially been hanging around Sebbie too long?
And how is everyone enjoying their interactions? I'm always curious about things like this.
Well, he has had too much of something for sure...
So far, pretty much a conversation between Sebbie and Weft equals fun, for me ^_^
*pauses a bit, in case Sebbie has something to say*
Incidentally, OOCly I'm completely rooting for the thing to survive somehow and have the run of the inn grounds.
Weft wants it dead.
Incidentally, if it should get onto Suitov's land and act like it's begging for help, different laws are going to apply (namely the sanctuary law) and our stabbity-freaks are going to be extremely disappointed.
She isn't usually like this (I think), but somehow she finds Weft and Sebbie exasperating...
Well, Jaina has just told her that Weft tried to kill an angel.
Maybe I'd slightly less likely to forget stuff like that if I did not post in the middle of the night. But actually I doubt it...
Although maybe Sylvie doesn't know Lance is an actual celestial angel. (He did toss her a line about 'falling from heaven' when they met, but she may have ignored it or not believed him.) But she's definitely heard that Weft has knifed someone ("tried to kill", even) for no apparent reason.
If she asks him, he may not deny it.
I'm not sure she has a concept of "angel", anyway.
Oh dear, I made a mess of this
Ah, wait a sec - J never mentioned Weft's name. ;D
Hmm, but Suitov mentioned his name once in the next post though. (Though that can change - it would have been just as natural for Suitov to say "he" instead of "Weft".)
What I'd do, I think, is say "Something about the name 'Weft' was nagging at Sylvie. She was sure she'd heard it before, and recently."
Then in my next post I'd let her figure it out - "It had been something she'd overheard, hadn't it? Oh... oh dear!"
She seriously has some kind of tunnel vision there. Sorry, but Sylvie insists...
What on earth have you both done to my kitty?
*whistles a merry tune*
Maybe Weft needed a holiday... from being his usual self.
But he's still a bitch.
You're half right, though, and when he gets back from said shabbatical there's going to be trouble.
a) Weft
b) Everyone around Weft
c) Some people around Weft
d) All of the above
Entirely for Weft. He doesn't get to make excuses.
But I'm sure he'll spread the misery to certain people around him if he can.