Should Iseea have ordered anything with the word blood in it with a vampire in the room????
Probably not.
Me, I'm trying to not think of a Sebbie-Countessa crossover board.
I'm trying to think of one! Hehehe.
Ah, yes, I can see it now...
Fox Hunt - Ye Yarn Orf Magickul Proporshuns (And A Thousand Elephants)
Okay, I'm bad. Bad.
Oh yes, dahlink, you haff been very bad.
Do I get my just dessert now?
Whipped cream? Beaten fool? Yog-hurt?, fudge.
...onna stick!
Sick. You're all sick.
I'm not technically "back" but I'll make an effort to post in the Inn since Lucifer just became a part of the action o.0
Incredibly accurate, artistic height chart, for those that give a crap :D
They glow in the dark?!?!?!?
...I couldn't resist the temptation...
*cackles* I loved it.
Lucifer is disgustingly fun to play.
Actually, the three I've got in there are possibly the most fun to play characters I *have*! XD
This board is golden. I love it. Not that long ago, I was trying to remember what made RP fun. I still don't know what it is, but I know the Inn has it in spades. *hugs the place, raising cloud of dust and spores* Achoo!
I definitely concur. I'm actually enjoying the Inn, and it's been a long time since hotchpotch mixes have amused me this much.
It's Amber. It's Weft saying he's boffing Lance. It's drunk Jaina. It's the roof caving in. It's storybook Lucifer. It's Geekov. It's Ze Countessa. It's oh so many thiiiings, that make the Inn what it iiiiis~~~~~! So many little things join together~~~ to make a truly fantastic experieeeee~~~~~~*anvil lands on Erin's head*
We need to see how long we can keep it this enjoyable, yo. Go for the record.
Geekov pushes his glasses up his nose, blinks, removes them altogether, redistributes the smears with a pocket handkerchief, replaces them and says "I'm enjoyable? That's not what my Accountants: the Reckoning players say..."
And Weft takes a deep breath and looks terrified. I mean, graceful and serene.
And Suitov and his owner writing partner thank you for saying nice things about the board.