Is it cursed by FANGIRLS!? Because I don't know what possessed me to make Amber turn up, I seriously don't. It must be the curse.
And fangirls are cursed by Weft.
Suitov just disguises himself as a nerdy fanboy and keeps quiet. A smart semi-godmodey Dark Lord knows when the odds are against him.
Carnil knows no fear.
He's smart, but not so wise.
Feel free to spank me.
Besides, Weft was curious about him once, I remember. SO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. HAH!
*crawls away*
I'd rather spank L-- *smeks self*
Weft denies curiosity in anything. Curiosity is for plebes and non-believers and could earn him some strict penance; besides, it almost invariably results in something bad happening.
...yeah, like I said, he was curious. *g*
And, uh....I hope you don't mind me taking some liberties with the area and calling it a limbo area and all. I needed a reason for Lucifer to be there that wasn't just "stalking Lance". Coz Lu CAN be cool when he wants to be.
*hides* Forgive mir? ;_;
*pokes Erin*
Would Amber drink alcohol in the form of carbonated and flavoured Vodka?
*NOT supporting underaged drinking*
I--have no idea. o_o Alcohol and Amber have never come into contact before.
If you didn't TELL her it was alcohol, she'd definitely drink it. If you told her--I don't think she would. XD
We here at INSERT NAME HERE are very understanding to the various experimentations in character developement.
*nods sagely*
Yes, I felt this was so. I fully endorse such experimentations, as well.
...hey, we should call it insertnamehere. That's cool.
Eh, it's been done. XD
Now, if you tried feeding Weft alcohol sometime...
Good Lord! I leave you people unattended for one weekend and you've already wrecked our shiney new inn!
Looks like someone needs discipline.
Enter Ze Countessa.
*evil cackle*
Although... the building never was very new or shiny, not in this lifetime. *g*
Baskerville: "It's ultra-symbolic, or Mutt's making all this junk up as she goes along. None of us is sure which."
Hey! I, er, do know what I'm doing, sort of... why, I'm getting people posting, with the promise of actual plot development and interesting side stories.
well done!
(...And they don't need to know I'm winging it!) XD
Nah, we won't tell......
Countessa Countessa! Yeah!