OK - since we got broadband I'm not under quite as much pressure time-wise, and the folks are away for a week anyway so if I do need to get up at some ridiculous time in the morning, that's ok.
Daytimes GMT are still impossible, of course, but if we can't get together given a whole seven days there's no hope for us. *g*
FYI: imagine the house on the left but with an extra storey, and you've got the basic look of this Inn.
Photo from here.
At last I found something reasonably like the blurred idea in my head! *g* With that, maybe I'll try a quick paintersketch of it.
Also sorta like this. Unsurprisingly similar, since by a stroke of intarweb weirdness they're two buildings in the same village.
'k. Right to the point: What's going on, and how can I join in? ^^°
The Inn is an unplotted board, and joining in is as simple as jumping aboard and posting.
What's going on: This is a rundown building situated at a bit of a crossroads between worlds. It's a patch of cursed land and it tends to draw in travellers when they're too distressed or distracted to know which way they're walking.
It's currently just before dawn on a dark night. The sky is lightening. Inside the building are a man and a woman (Agueda, Julia's char), getting drunk and possibly making grandiose boasts and other things you do while drunk. On the roof is another couple, talking.
I'm not sure if anyone else's chars are still there, but the interior of the inn is dusty and empty of furniture. All of that was moved into the back garden earlier in the evening, in preparation for building work tomorrow.
The building is not at all safe. This doesn't seem to have stopped anyone so far. ;)
And how does one get on the roof? bunch of stairs inside, and climb through a hole in the roof?
Swiff and Jaina climbed up the outside.
That's not exactly the first thing one would think of...
Well, when you don't want to be disturbed... ;) Too bad they weren't expecting a flying visitor!
No sense in not expecting flying visitors... Especially considering one crashed through the roof last night. ;)
And that there are wild wyverns around. ;) And wild Wefts, but that's a whole 'nother story.
Edited my post to add Suitov's line in.
Er, that thing that just turned up would be Bowman from the image Mutt posted? With the bearded dragon person being human-sized? *needs to know how big he/she/it is*
Agueda the white-haired human is normal-sized - she vanished and Bowman is on his own, though, unless I've misunderstood the post.
The dragon in the pic is meant to be Julia. *g*
Oops, think I misunderstood the question - the lizard in the pic is human-sized, but I'm not sure if Bowman is drawn to the correct scale.
Bowman? He's actually smaller than Mutt portrayed him. Maybe about 6/7 inches high, and certainly not as long as a foot.
I think lizard suits me. *preens*
I wasn't terribly clear in the post, was I, but Swiff ordered breakfast for everyone.
Oh, well, he doesn't know how many people are downstairs because Baskerville's drunk, but it'll stretch.
Oops, I posted in 20 cos I didn't see 21... you can move it to the end and it'll still make sense, me thinks.
Well, I just noticed that threads tend to have no more than 20 posts, so I assumed I was supposed to start a new one. wrong?
I drew a sketch of Sylvie and her little pest; I tend to draw heads oversized, but this should give people an idea of Ayu-Asra's size: in my livejournal
Me thinks two-headed dragon should meet two bearded-dragons.