OOC 13

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JuliaTwine: Julia 2005-02-07 11:43

Oh, unless he's trying some pretence at being stealthy?

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-02-07 12:39

No, no, he's going for "mysterious chic". Cats are good at that.

-- I mean so I hear! So I hear! Ouch! No scratching the author or the vet gives you an industrial manicure. That's better. Now sit. And no gigglebuzzing.

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JuliaTwine: Julia 2005-02-28 20:44

Just when are we gona come up with a name for this place?

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-02-28 21:17

My plan is this...

'Now' it's pre-dawn, just about to get light, but later 'this' morning the builders get here.

(I need to work up some sketches of the place, though I linked a while back to some pictures of Swiss mountain buildings that are quite similar.)

Once building is done, during which time Suitov will be sorting out the necessary legal/magical procedures to classify the land as neutral, then the establishment will actually open.

Naming needs to happen sometime around then, because there's got to be some kind of title to put on the documents. Opening time's also when staff arrive, Suitov leaves (if he wishes -- he's not going to run the place himself) and, possibly, the whole 'cursed soil' issues start to arise.

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JuliaTwine: Julia 2005-06-05 06:52

Hurrah! Posties at The Inn!

Revision procrastination abounds.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-06-05 14:26


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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-07-19 11:18

Hah. I have only just been prodded into realising it's my turn here. A thousand grovels.

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JuliaTwine: Julia 2005-07-19 15:14

Well, get on with it then! *taps foot impatiently*

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-07-19 19:57

I shall, now I'm at home. :p

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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-07-23 16:09

Shall JJ or Sv reluctantly move their, uh, action... well, shall we shoo them inside ("get a room!") and shift the scene to morning? Jules? Anyone? ...Bueller?

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-07-23 16:25

I've been looking for an excuse to skip forward to morning for a while.

Er... ah... exactly what would we be skipping past, though?

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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-07-24 01:58

That depends. What does the Proslash gen say? *bweg*

Actually... where is that anymore? It's around somewhere, I thought, but I don't have a link. Cripes.

As for the skipping -- could be major makeout session, could be talking until dawn. It's not going to be more than that because Jaina, while naive and easy, is neither that naive nor that easy. If it comes to it, I'll flip a coin or roll a d6 or something.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-07-24 05:30

Nor, for that matter, is Suitov. He finds making out and talking more fun and informative than bump-'n'-grind. (Poor boy, he's his author's child.)

The slash gen says...

Müttly Föe was singing to the moon when he finally realised he loved Zade. So he got him drunk and made him wear a squirrel suit. It also slashed Rook and Sirius several times in a row, paired Pasht and Laatu with 'Skerv... LancexWeft twice... and:

Jaina was sharpening a stake when she saw Suitov. She stunned him into submission with the ancient Kitty Dance and eventually they married and adopted two children.

Grace on a stick. *runs away from the flame-haired trickster kids*

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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-07-26 17:57

Jaina was buying ingredients for dinner when she felt her predatory instincts screaming at her to grab Suitov. They became best friends, growing closer every day and eventually they married and adopted two children.

What IS it with the kids? That slashgen wants Sv and JJ to make babies. I swear it. And for anyone and everyone to boff Hirax. O.o`

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-07-26 19:44

*finds self ICly speechless*

...So, drawing a veil over proceedings? What exactly are we skipping past? Obviously observers can think what they want (and I hope they do, mwahaha) but I'd like something more concrete for my own mind.

Deep'n'Meaningful conversation and watching sunup is always good. (Or is it for a vamp hunter?) Suitov does Deep'n'Meaningful well. He had a proper teacher. Sunup's quite soon though; let's say an hour more of darkness then a while longer of gradual sky lightening.

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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-07-26 23:55

Sunup's good -- means photosensitive vampires are impaired until dusk, so JJ can playplay till then. As for what we're fading to black for... er, can I get back to you? I have to find a coin to toss or something. *g*

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-07-27 07:39

Coin toss? *looks worried*

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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-07-29 07:28

Hrm. I'm thinking Q&A session: "What other magic can you do? Where'd you learn it? Can you teach me? How'd you come to own this place? Why did you want it? How come you don't think girls in blue jeans in magicland are ridiculous as they think themselves?" I could go on. Unfortunately.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-07-29 19:35

Maybe we should RP some of the convo semi-ICly so we know what they know. IMs? *eg*

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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-07-30 03:51

I am so game for that, except that don't know if I can get the computer for chat time. Curses.

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