Posted. Couldn't remeber where JJ and Mai were last, so made something up. I do believe LK was poking around there, wasn't she? But it would be like her to sneak out unnoticed and I'm wanting to ease back in anyway.
Hey Mutt! *whistles* Do you recall offhand if Jaina knows Suitov's name, and if she knows it with or without "Lord" attached?
You know not what you ask! You have incurred... muttbabbles!!!!eleventyone Runforthehills!
Jaina just called him Suitov, so looks like she does. *g* Assuming you meant "Suitov".
Long answer:
"Lord" is one of the lower ranks of the nobility, and the usage is such that the title on its own is acceptable if not commonplace.
For example, say you know the Baron of Knutsford - chances are you'd either call him Knutsford or his first name. Using Knutsford might be for any of the reasons you'd call somebody by their surname - blokeish affection, irritation, humour, wanting to address him specifically in the context of his rank, one of you prefers the title to the first name, etc. Nobles' titles may be the same as their territory - Baron of Knutsford, Lord of Wyndchyme - or they may have an additional inherited name, with the territory an optional suffix - Baron Hardup (of Knutsford), Lord Suitov (of Applestone). (The Suitovs come under the latter because they're furriners, or the first Suitov was. He was permitted to choose the title, which in his native tongue meant roughly "Winter".)
Thus any countryman equal or higher in status, and anyone who knows him more than a little - providing the person knows a bit about Shade protocols - will call him Suitov.
He introduces himself as Suitov. It's not modesty, but it does mean people who aren't familiar with the title assume it's his first name.
He doesn't dislike his real first name; he just hasn't chosen to mention it to us yet.
Agueda, so far, has missed two very important facts:
1) Kerak is a wolf
2) Basky is a dog
Does anyone other than me find that rather amusing?! Especially since it happened by accident.
NB: Is not blowing own trumpet, so to speak.
Baskerville: "I luv you, you pansy layabouts!"
Weft: "And I hate you allll!"
Bk: "Aren't you meant to be meditating?"
Wf: "Om."
Bk: "I'm hungry."
Er, oopsie? Suitov's no longer disguised, Amber being assumed to have disappeared now. Probably should have been more clear about that. So she saw what Kerak saw, which is... *digs up description*
*is lazy*
quote:Kerak saw a tall chap of average build, healthy but not muscular, and a particular kind of noble bearing. Suitov's hair was also dark and fairly long, but his was tied back out of the way. Quick grey eyes regarded the werewolf, evaluating him in a friendly sort of way.
Suitov was dressed smartly, but the good-quality boots, more suited to tramping around the wilderness than attending ambassadorial functions, belied the image of an idle aristo. So did his demeanour, which seemed a lot more approachable and less judgmental than the average noble.
Ick! Nasty nasty. I didn't realise Basky was shielding them. I knew Suitov was though. Blargh. Made a mess of that one.
Nah, don't worry!
It isn't either of them actively shielding, though. They're just - er, using the secure line? So to speak. Which is pretty secure. In fact breaking in and overhearing it would constitute destroying it, which would kill one or both of them - but we're talking huge energy requirements for that.
There are reasons and (technobabble) stuff for it working that way. I just don't tend to ramble on at great length about it, so it's entirely my fault if folks don't understand.
Maybe I should knock up a Guide entry. *looks what's already there about mindbonds...* Nothing yet under Mindbond_(Demon) I see, and the page under Profiles is very general, and not all that up-to-date.
A bit on the hellhound species page will give you some idea of the dependency that was bred/designed into hellhounds. It's quite creepy if you think about it... they have to be owned or they're perpetually miserable.
Oh, meant to add - I can make some edits if you'd like.
How about erasing the whole lot? Or, come to that, just leave in the bits that have to be there to make sense and remove everything else.
Aw. I don't think that's necessary! How about the following...
Meh. Sure. Not the most brilliant post anyway, even by my standards... but it'll do, since I'm too tired to think of anything else.
Ta luv!
'Tis done. Or was last night, but I forgot to say so. *g*
And apparently I forgot to post for Basky last night, despite clearly remembering writing a post for him. *blinks*
*posts in her sleepzzzzzzzzzzzz*
JJ missed the huge werewolf, then? *g* More attractive distractions, we suspect...
Jaina is fully capable of ignoring anything that doesn't land on her nose and/or completely rend her eardrums. She's like her writer that way. ;) And yes, she was concentrating on the matter at hand, and such a graceful, masculine hand 'tis, too.
I think she tunes out growls as a sort of defense mechanism -- if assorted undead battle howls don't consciously register with her, they can't make her more afraid.
See? I can too retrofit her actions to disguise my inept writing! Oh, I wasn't supposed to type that part...
That's fine. Now I know that, I'll post a reply...
*grabs Suitov's hand and examines*
Hrrh... 35 degrees. Apart from that, I dunno. Which of these is the lifeline?
Sv: I deny possession of any weapons of miss distraction.