Weft: Say my name, bitch. ...*hides behind Suitov*
Was the 'I wonder...' post a hint for an explanation?
If you ask Agueda she's not entirely sure. She never finished her training, so there's a lot she doesn't understand. However, if I remember to, I'll update her profile to explain it a bit better.
Well, partly also a hint to ask me if you need to collaborate or consult about what she senses of him. There's a lot she might detect that I haven't told anyone about, so.
Nothing like THAT, perverts.
Or is there???
Aha, okaly. I read his pro-file (argh! Name discussion attacks!) a while ago. I can't remember entirely how it works... and, computer illiterate fool I am, I'm still having a little trouble finding my way round. *Bangs head on low ceiling*
So... tell me again where I can find it and then feel free to yell all sorts of deservedly-nasty yet skervishly witty comments about how daft I am.
Ready?... GO!
I think we need to put profiles up again, actually O_o;
Jaina has like six floating in the ether. And they're all awful. *headdesk*
I will see what I can do. If nothing else I should copy her physical description into the wiki. Her personality is harder. She's like me in many ways, so I think she acts "normally" and everyone else stares at her in utter confusion. Her hair is red, though, and that's actually even a notable trait here instead of par for the course, so hurray.
Yes. Nothing 'secret' (well, lesser-known) that Agueda might notice is up in his profile [yet], so if you want to have her sense anything specific, we can work it out on this page. There's a partly-finished descrip here.
Physically, he's a bit short compared to Earth or Shade humans (especially compared to Ice, who's tallish - around six feet, I think). His build is sleek and rather feminine, but not curvy as such. When standing, he is very still - he doesn't do the moving around, shifting weight and so on that most people do unconsciously. It looks unnerving. Age-wise, he resembles a well-preserved Earth human approaching middle age.
His eyes are pale green and shaped slightly differently to a human's. Weft has grey hair around bottom-of-ear length. His ears are not pointed and have no separate lobes.
Random factoid: where he comes from, having grey hair is the equivalent of being blonde - with all the associated stereotypes!
Hmmm... interesting. Does the godb... I mean, knowledge web have a personality or is it a passive force/knowledge bank?
And what does the trance-like state involve?
In contrast, Agueda doesn't need to put herself into a trance and carry out rituals. She does have to be free from distractions, however, which makes her tilting at the inn a little strange.
What she doesn't know is that her 'higher power' (mental note to find real name for it) works differently with each person. The specifics are a little too sepcific for now, but it's given Agueda a certain affinity for energy from other people, hence why she's so desperate to create a meaningful 'bond', and hence why Taryn hurt her so badly.
She's upset about him at the moment. That's why she's ignoring Izzy and Micah for now and hedging her bets with Carnil and Weft. Usually she's not this... flitty.
Any questions?
"Is she single?"
Er. Hush, random voice.
The trance involves finding somewhere free from distractions and doing meditation-like exercises. The godbond doesn't have a personality. The administrators do. There are some things that, if he knew how to ask, he would not receive answers to.
What you need to remember about Weft is that he has been trained since he was extremely young, and it's unlikely that he's developed any thoughts or defects that his employers don't know about. He's also not young any more, as I said above. He's three! That's pretty old for someone in his line of work, I assure you.
Yes, yes she is.
Interesting. So she's picking up... what, his affinity for... something? Probably not the godbond since it doesn't really work like her force does.
Oh dear. Am I creating problems now?
Weft has an affinity for cloth and (to a lesser extent) string. Really strongly. He thinks like cloth.
Others might suggest that what she's sensing is bucketloads of denial, but Weft denies it.
Weft actually has quite a few mental oddities that she might be sensing. Partly it's because he's a weird species - their definitions of male and female are different from ours, for one thing - and partly because he's been thoroughly trained not to indulge in such things as compassion, loneliness or much thought.
No problems, no! Whatever it is she's picking up, we can think of a way to have fun with it.
Hmmmmm... excellent.
Ok, so Agueda was taught two different ways that the 'higher force''s personality could communicate.
One was 'enchufa' - 'plug in'. This is a bit like a sort of lightning bolt revelation type thingy.
The other, which is a little more complicated but more common, was 'weaving' where strands of information were revealed as interconnecting ties between the force, the prophetess and the people(s) the prophecy dealt with.
Therefore, if Weft is cloth minded, he may be sort of... weaved into himself... which may have caused a tilt away from him...?
Is that likely?
Cloth-mindedness doesn't affect his religion, except in the way he thinks of the Divine...
Could she could be sensing open psionic communication? There is some of that going on. *snickles variations on the "Eee they so cuuuute" theme*
Or she might be detecting him being monitored by head office over the 'godbond', which is a separate process from the psionics.
I'm not sure the cloth-mindedness would have to affect his religion. I mean, Agueda did pick up a religious thread, but that could have been due to her experience of weaving.
How would she have picked up head office monitoring him?
Psionics might make sense... It could be to do with her gift of tongues too. Something between a language and a link might cause a tilt. But how would she have picked up so much? And wouldn't he have sensed something too?
Weft is not psi-sensitive (actively) so he is blissfully unaware when anyone tries to read his mind. It's only by chance that he's partially compatible with someone else in the room who is actively telepathic, allowing communication of a sort between.
The godbond is a two-way connection. It's what head office give orders through, as well as the monk querying it for information. If Agueda picked up on the godbond at all, she might notice this.
Other than that, I can't help without knowing more about tilting. *g*
Well, Agueda herself doesn't really know how it works so that could be a little difficult.
Say she did pick up on the two-way connection of the godbond, she may have concluded it was a religious thing because of similiarities such as:
-they can both query but neither can demand answers
-the godbond may be similar to 'enchufa' in the way information travels (?)
Ummmm... initial ideas could be tweaked slightly if needed here. As long as it still made sense with Agueda's history and the prophetesses' school teaching and things.
I think something along those lines would be nifty.
Unless they're going to get into a full-on discussion of mechanics neither of them knows much about, I'm happy to wing things.
Oh, no pun intended, Serpy darling!
Fair enough. I suppose since Weft didn't notice anything strange about Agueda and is too obsessed with Lance to notice her anyway, it won't make a huge difference how it works.
Still fun to fiddle with though!
Yeppers. Weft doesn't have anything in the extrasensory department, like I said, so he wouldn't have noticed anything about her other than the, um, obvious.
Wf: "Obsessed with...? Madam! Really!"
Mutt: *waits for him to notice the "fun to fiddle with" bit*
Wf: "Gaah! ...I want my order."
Ooh... sounds juicy!