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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-08-09 22:36

Big Sibling Rules

A proportion of each week's food budget will be gambled on successful completion of a weekly task. The minimum bet is 20%. The maximum is 60%.

Shorter "reward challenges" will be set from time to time, with the reward of a meal or entertainment on successful completion.

"Successful completion" of a task is as defined by Big Sibling.

The hot water supply will be turned on for two hours each morning and evening.

Inmates are required to nominate two of their fellows, in private, for eviction each week. They are required to give reasons for their nominations.

There is to be no discussion of nominations between inmates.

There is to be no contact with the outside world. Knowledge webs and psychic communications are blocked by the perimeter of the house and garden.

Cameras are placed in every area of the Big Sibling site. They are not to be covered, blocked or tampered with.

Inmates will wear their microphones at all times unless in the water or asleep in bed. The additional static microphones around the site are not to be covered, muffled or tampered with.

Inmates will not leave the house unless voted out by the public. Escape attempts may result in sanctions.

Inmates are encouraged to visit the diary room regularly to talk with Big Sibling about whatever is on their minds.

When issued with instructions by Big Sibling, inmates will obey immediately.

Inmates are required to take proper care of the goldfish and chickens. Instructions will be provided.

Disobeying the rules, or attempted disobedience, will result in punishment at Big Sibling's discretion.

Big Sibling reserves the right to change these rules and the prize at any time.

Originally posted Monday, November 24, 2003 - long before this year's EVIL Big Brother series totally stole my ideas! *g*

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