Co-op cleanup and completed stories

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-03-30 15:42

I'd like to do something with the Co-ops index to trim the number of dead topics on there.

Well, in the case of Crossbite it's officially fine for putting in the coldstore. (I don't actually delete anything.) Most of 'em are trickier...

A couple fairly obviously aren't going to happen (unnamed Daniel and Manuel title, and Swanslaught's a goshdarn empty page).

The bulk (Full Moon, Big Bother, Nabbed, Kiataur III, Riddle) are pretty obviously dead but may get revived if the writers unpredictably show an interest again, which provides just enough uncertainty to bother me...

Some are active or active-ish and obviously stay where they are (Random Enc, Molto, Kit-Fox). That's unless they're promoted to the main index for lack of anything else to show on it...

A broader question. What shall we do with completed stories?

I say leave 'em on the co-ops index 'cause we'll have every right to be proud of them, but I could also export them to a different format (more readable/professional than a messageboard template, perhaps?) and still link them from the board index. I could do this with the previously-completed Kiataur I and II immediately if asked. Thoughts?

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-03-30 16:58

Move the "may be revived" ones into a subthread maybe?
I'd be sad if Big Brother went bye-bye entirely :(

Completed stories actually happen? XD
(That means: Yes, having completed stories available would be good.)

FWIW, I know once Random Encounter is finished, I'd love to edit the hell out of it... Leaving the original script there doesn't bother me, but option for adding or replacing them with a link to an eventual, finished version is good :)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-03-30 22:19

Not often, but they happen. I have Kiataur I and II sitting on a disk; I mailed 'em to Snog, but they could go back online too.

(I also have finished stories from before the last-but-one server move and membership changes, but I don't think they're canon for any characters active here currently. Still, if anyone's interested...)

Editing's fine, natch. Leaving drafts up or not, ditto.

After all the stuff I planned for Big Bother it seems like a letdown to let it go, but can't really do otherwise. When it's a closed-type situation and two out of three writers wander off...

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2007-03-31 05:45

(I also have finished stories from before the last-but-one server move and membership changes, but I don't think they're canon for any characters active here currently. Still, if anyone's interested...)

I only hint at those vaguely: that's about as canon as they get for Sebbie.

I think that we ought to leave completed boards where they are, too. I wouldn't bother doing the entire format change for Kiataurs, though.

Am also with Anke about moving the "may be revived" category to a subthread called Limbo or something. :p

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ReeTwine: Ree 2007-03-31 07:51

I have a pile of the old domain's stuff lying about and too little bandwidth to shove it through. I'm seriously considering burning CD copies and posting them overseas to Mutt and anyone else who wants them.

And Limbo is a perfect name. *g*

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-03-31 08:40

Yes, please do send me that CD.

As far as bothering goes, that comes under the heading of "stuff I'll gladly do for mates", so don't worry about that. I'm going to change the board template to a CSS-based one sometime anyway, which would mean it'd be a matter of simple reskinning.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-04-01 20:46

Right. Crossbite's moving to the coldstore along with Daniel and Manuel. Swanslaught's empty index gone byebye.

The pretty-much-definitely-deads go into a visible limbo topic.

Now to find something else to organise or fix...

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-04-13 09:39

I wondered how much trouble the exporting to different formats would be...

Because, see, I'd really like to have what there is of Random Encounter in html or rtf or something like that without all the tables and stuff, but I'd either lose some of the formatting (if I paste into NoteTab), or have to copy and paste every entry separately...

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-04-13 09:58

If you like, after my current project's finished I'll get moving on the tables -> css conversion.

Knowing someone's interested in me doing so will be more incentive.

(So basically it'll be something like:


[div class="message"]
  [div class="messageAuthor"]Wyldsnog[/div]
  [div class="messageDate"]Friday, October 13, 2084[/div]
  [div class="messageText"]Sebbie fell about laughing[/div]

which will show up as unformatted paragraphsies unless caught by a CSS rule, so you'll be able to do what you like with it.)

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-04-13 11:43

... so one could make a "story only" css that would not display the the author and date stuff. Sounds good :)

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2007-04-13 11:58


Boy, if I ever live until 2084...

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-04-13 12:13

Yes, you could hide any element separately. That's why (in my rough design in my head) I've defined everything like that. Makes it a breeze to hide the navigation icons, for example.

You're totally living 'til then, Snoggie. The blind minstrel said so. And yes, the Friday 13th in 2084 is in October.

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