Message preview page: I've tweaked the preview a bit so it's more obvious that you're previewing and that the message isn't yet saved.
Heeby jeeby, the evil.
I've added a newsletter archive by request.
Hah! I've got rid of the purposeless query strings in the URLs. They don't make that little variable easy to find.
That means that in Last Day view, message links you've already clicked on will show up in the "visited link" colour even after someone posts another message in the same topic. The new message, though, will still be in the "unvisited link" colour.
Should also make RSS harvesting easier.
Yes, that will let me clean out some of the RSS scraper code. *goes off to do that*
Project du jour has been fiddling with metadata.
Hid a few topics (ie the spam magnet ones) from being indexed (by search engines that obey robots instructions).
If something shows up with the wrong 'OOC' or 'Locked' icon, please refresh the page (might require Ctrl+Refresh - I doubt you'll have to clear your cache, though).
Or I may not have got there yet. Still working on it. All first levels done, working on active stories/boards first. You can all laugh for my underestimation of the task, but it needed to be done ('needed' in my mind, anyway)...
edit: checklist: welcome area done, general chat done, character chat done, inn done, prom hall done, Spin Me done, Consultant done, Thought Matters done, storyboard disco done, Shoes done, War disco done, solo work done, co-ops done, janitor's closet done, miscellany done - I think that's all!
Oh, also! The metadata tweaks are beginning to pay off in search engine terms. I tried Googling profusion random encounter this morning with very pleasing results.