I've replaced \acronym{} with \abbr{}, which is more semantically correct and widely applicable (that is, acronyms can correctly be labelled abbreviations, and so can other stuff). Also because the fact that abbr is itself an abbreviation amuses me.
So now typing \abbr{abbreviation,abbr} results in abbr.
Yes, I guess I'm in a 'net-picky sort of mood this morning...
Please do still use \wiki{} or \twine{} to link to the encyc. if you're using a Pro-specific word. You can use both a wiki link and an abbreviation marker on the same text. (Not all browsers might display it very well, but there's no harm in doing it.)
Oh, and I made our bold and italic tags output 'strong' and 'em'. But there's no change to the way you use them - it's still \b{text} and \i{text}.