Clickable names

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-05-28 16:06

Clickable names

Not a new code, but worth bringing to our attention...

Click on the name by any post (except in the Welcome Area) and you will find yourself at the member's Twine Encyclopaedia page.

This is an idea Ree came up with for MoonBurnt and which I stole. It's allegedly easier to edit Discus's code, but I had a few minor problems getting it to work... minor like a whole batch of pages needing to be edited manually. *coughs* Good job I didn't apply the change to the whole board at once!

I may change the formatting so the links stand out more, but to begin with I want to keep it subtle and uncluttered.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-02-25 14:18

I added an icon next to people's usernames to show a link to their Twine profiles.

(The names have always been clickable, but now I've solved a related issue to do with the public posting topics, I decided to make the links more prominent.)

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