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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-04-14 18:21

I've just added a small notice to the wiki edit page to cover our butts a bit more copyright-wise.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-06-11 07:27

Things to be aware of with the new wiki

First of all, this is a new installation. I started with a clean script (though given my propensity to tinker, it was only a matter of time).

I have removed this functionality. Why? It was giving Sarina and others trouble, so it wasn't worth keeping. Now to edit, you need to go to Prefs and enter your name and the edit password where it says 'password'.

Please see here. There are two bits to be aware of:

  • the implication of posting stuff to Twine (it means I can backup the data, people can edit it and people can post it with attribution)
  • the rules about using things from commercial games in Pro (don't).
I realise we've got characters from Wraith and Changeling here. It's fine to use them, but for the purposes of Pro you'll need to make the character a generic, public domain or mythological "ghost"/"pooka"/etc.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-08-18 20:05

Oh, I realise I didn't even post here to say I'd got the boilerplate function working.

Well, we have boilerplate text! It was very difficult and I needed help from people who know what they're doing! But we can now put little gobbets of standardised text on pages - as explained on the article-edit page, in fact.

(The last major change I made before THAT was fixing the RSS feed so pages with apostrophes in them would work. Oh, and adding a common stylesheet that applies whichever of the user-customiseable stylesheets you use, but there wasn't any clever coding involved in that.)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-04-17 14:08

I've put Twine back into restricted editing mode because of some spam attacks. You should still be able to write in it as long as you've either logged in or set the edit password in Preferences.

All being well, I've got an idea of how to reduce the spam attacks now.

I've still got my eye on mucking about with the wording so the login/prefs business is more understandable...

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-04-24 22:08

Login and prefs pages now updated with clearer wording.

There should now be no more problems logging in provided you follow the instructions on the pages. *crosses claws*

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